Saturday 11 December 2010

Advent #11 Clean Up

Here is today's advent picture, this time related to what I am working with, at least in its subject.  Its supposed to be a kiddified me literally cleaning up a drawing.  I thought it was amusing anyways.

And below is the fruit of my labors this week.  Clean Up animation is very tricky, since you have to 'fix' every drawing that the animator has made, fine tuning proportions or simply making sure that he has all the features that the character should have.

In the end I have some problems with keeping track of the volume of the character, since his limbs and body tends to shrink and grow per drawing.  But I would love to try this again, because I believe it will help me be a better animator.

Clean Up Assignment from Humphrey Erm on Vimeo.

1 comment:

  1. The shadow is far too dark and non transparent. Otherwise a really enjoyable picture :)
